Public Philosophy


Courtesy of The Center for Philosophy of Science in Pittsburgh, interviewed by Edouard Machery

Film Nights

Courtesy of Luna Theater, I've led philosophical discussion on films like World War Z and Clueless. Stay tuned for more upcoming dates.

Prior Blogging at A Philosopher's Take

Previously, I co-managed a blog called A Philosopher's Take, which was a group blog discussing philosophy and the profession.  While this blog is no longer active, the contributions are still available. Below are previews to a couple of my favourite posts with links.

I distinguish between two senses of individuality.  Questions of biological individuality mostly concern how to carve up the organic world, rather than what constitutes a richer sense of individuality, namely, unique identity as human individuals.  Whether one sense hinges on the other is up for debate.

Philosophy has value outside of the academy. This post explores how to identify and present the transferable skills one gains from philosophy.  This report details advice from a workshop series at the University of Calgary concerning alternative academic careers. There were important lessons learned in this meeting that must be shared! 

Circulated by The Daily Nous 'Heaps of Links.'

As a philosopher doing archival work, I launched a two part series on my experience in the archives. Archival work has been foundation to my research concerning both the life and work of Stephen Jay Gould: as a public intellectual and popular paleontologist and evolutionist, his correspondence with prominent figures and the general public concerning his ideas about evolutionary contingency and beyond.  

As a bully breed advocate, this post critically analyzes the analogy between pit bulls and guns. I argue against the ban: Breed Specific Legislation is outdated, scientifically unfounded, and rightly condemned by animal professionals. Here I combine the sort of philosophical work I do on a matter framed by public safety that directly impacts where I can live and work. 

Other Popular Writing

published in Science Visions & co-authored with Janella Baxter

Published in the Lowell Sun & co-authored with Blake Hereth, Sam Simpson, Christopher R.M. Philips, Anthony Szczesiul, Carol Hay, Christa Hodapp, and an anonymous author

Prior & Upcoming Public Engagements

Date Release TBA. "Values & History: The Meaning of Life & Chance in Gould’s Contingent Evolution." Philosophy in Color Podcast on Spotify


2015 November.  "What Biological Individuality Means For Us"  The Apeiron Society for the Practice of Philosophy.  Scandinavian Senior Centre, Calgary, AB.